Commission work programme for 2015


The Commission work programme will focus on the 10 priorities set by the Juncker Commission, which include, among other, boosting jobs, investment and growth, the creation of a Single Digital Market and a deeper and fairer Internal Market, with solid entrepreneurship.

The work programme will concentrate on 23 initiatives in 2015, but will also undertake a number of evaluations and fitness checks to see whether existing legislation is still fit for purpose.

Taking into consideration the new work programme and the outstanding items of the 2014 work programme, please find enclosed a list of the legislative and non-legislative initiatives which are on-going or will be introduced in 2015 and which may have an impact on the travel and tourism industry.

Tourism initiatives 2015


Further details of the various initiatives will be provided once the Commission has published its 2015 roadmap. The latter describes the planned Commission initiatives, the problem that the initiative aims to address and possible policy options. They also provide an overview of the different planned stages in the development of the initiative, including consultation of stakeholders and impact assessment work.

Alexandra Arsene
